Do you think that England is disenfranchised?
All that would never have happened had Englang remained a French colony
england is the oldest nation-state in europe.
it is a pround and historic nation that is often buried under a "british" identity by the uk government.
within the european unon, scotland and wales are treated as regional entities, yet england is broken up into 6 regions and is not acknowledged as an entity in itself.
Do you think that England is disenfranchised?
All that would never have happened had Englang remained a French colony
hi everyone, in the congregation i grew up in, it was very cold and unloving.
circuit overseers would come and go, they would give counsel and nothing changed.
at one time even the do came at the same time as the co and gave counsel to 'widen out'.
Same thing in France, congregations (and people in general) from the north (which correspond to the south of England...) are said to be more friendly than the southern ones.
But families in all of them are nice to the young lads when they have daughters eligible for marriage.
y'all are nothing like the people with whom i work, nor like those with whom i attended meetings at the kingdom hall.. what gives???.
lol.. sylvia.
I was "too smart for my own good".
That is what Barbara GRIZZUTI HARRISON reports an elder's wife having said about her when she was in bethel.
dubs - paradoxes from hell.
jesus said his yoke was kindly and light.. dubs brag their religion is the "hardest religion in the world.".
the bible tells children to honor their parents.. the wts tells children to betray their parents.. if dubs really live in a "spiritual paradise," why do their lives have to be threatened to stay in it?.
i only heard some sorts of musical instruments.
(although there were a few jw females i once knew who just happened to be wider than the shoulders in a place somewhat lower than the shoulders.
do you like females with huge butts?
Thank you Farkel, another gem in the vein of your past articles (visit to Beth Sarim, etc). You realize, I suppose, that you bear the heavy responsability of remaining the last storyteller on this site. Thanks, and carry on entertaining us in your abrasive way.
This is also a call to GaryBuss, who promissed a following to his Okies stories
i have 1 friend since leaving the borg.
1 friend who lives an hour away.
we talk through out the day, everyday but we only see each other about once a month.. i just found out my ex boyfriend who was trying to win me back and have me come back to him got a girl pregnant about a week or two after we broke up.
Hei, Jen,
if your departing from your husband has anything to do with the fact that he is still a JW and you are out, and provided you still have a measure of feeling for him, my opinion is that the difference is not worth breaking a marriage and you must not let a religion split your family.
this "news" is months late and i post it now simply because i don't want to let the moment slip by.
these are direct quotes from david pesch at the edmonton 2009 "keep on the watch" district convention.
they were startling enough for me to make notes verbatim.
It is the very first time I hear about JWs participating in the elimination of the wicked. We were more used to the Stand still and see the salvation of Jehovah discourse.
Once a friend of ours asked my, then, little daughter how Mum and Dad were looking. Mum is brown and Dad is pink she replied.
Hei, Grace,
I do hope you feel comfortable in your new place, is it that you had a repressed desire for bethel life ? Please don't take it bad, I'm just joking. I do wish you the best, with your family and friends around you.
you'd just never know it
I'm under the impression that someone, within battalions, must know, though